A Literature Review on the Roles of Social Factors in the Etiology of Dissocial/Antisocial Behaviours in Children and Adolescents

Victor Otieno Okech

Victor Otieno Okech is an internal doctoral student researching behavioural problems in children and adolescents at the Institute of Social Studies and Therapeutic Education, Comenius University in Bratislava.


Etiology of dissocial/antisocial behaviours in children and adolescents has been of concern since time immemorial. Various attempts have been made to classify and establish factors that causes them. They are widely classified as Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct disorders (CD). The aim of this article is to offer an overview of the present understanding of ODD and CD, examine symptomatic differences between the two disorders as well as social factors that cause them. A narrative approach is used in reviewing and describing current literature on these social factors based on three thematic areas: Child deficit factors, Family factors and Environmental factors. We found social factors that cause these behavioural problems to be family composition, mental health status of their parents, marital conflicts, nature of the relationship between parents and their children, parenting styles, peer influence, and problematic neighbourhoods. We conclude that social factors contribute to the development of dissocial/antisocial behavioural problems in children and adolescents.


antisocial behaviour, dissocial behaviour, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant, etiology

p. 5 – 17