A Restrictive Social Work. Working with Asylum-seekers in Austria

Matthew Randall

Medailon autora:

Matthew Randall, BA, MA has a BA, and an MA in Intercultural Work and Conflict Management from Berlin. He has been a refugee worker for Caritas Vorarlberg since 2004, and a lecturer at University of Applied Sciences, Vorarlberg (Diversity Training, Diversity and Gender).


This article will explore examples of the inherent structural barriers to professional social work practice with those individuals who have fled their own countries and applied for asylum in Austria. The country specific analysis will be presented as a case example in order to reflect the general practice in Europe.

Klíčová slova:

uprchlíci, azylanti, sociální práce, žadatelé, diskriminace, ghetto-efekt

s. 27 – 33