Analysis of the Readiness of Social Work Providers in Relation to the Assessment of the Quality of Conditions: A Systemic Perspective

Andrej Matel, Bohuslav Kuzysin


OBJECTIVES: Providing a perception of social work providers on the assessment of social work conditions, the aim is to analyze their readiness and identify their existing barriers, in order to assess the quality of conditions in social services. THEORETICAL BASE: Stemming from systemic theory, the assessment of the conditions in social work is understood from a perspective of complexity, as there are many interrelated systems influencing the providers of social services. METHODS: Rooted in synthetic quantitative and qualitative strategies, the quantitative part presents the descriptive research of a subjective estimate of readiness regarding the assessment of social work conditions. The qualitative part used selected aspects of grounded theory, providing an analysis of barrier assessment in current situations, also focusing on possibilities related to improvement processes. The sample consisted of 437 social service providers, of which 402 were included in the qualitative part. One participant reflects one type of provided social service. OUTCOMES: The research identified the existing barriers to the assessment of the conditions of quality in social services, also providing a subjective perception of readiness for assessing them. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: This analysis of readiness regarding the quality of social services in Slovakia creates the preconditions for their possible improvement and the greater effectiveness of particular systems


assessment of the quality of conditions, holism, quality, social services, social worker, systemic approach

p. 35 - 54

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