How Does Group Supervision Impact the Situationally-Induced Changes in the Subjective Emotions and Psychological States of Professionals in Caring Professions?

Bohuslav Kuzysin, Milan Schavel, Maros Sip

OBJECTIVES: In this study, we sought to understand how situationally-induced changes in subjective feelings and mental health states affected workers in caring professions after they received in-person group supervision. THEORETICAL BASE: We used an evidence-based approach drawing on previous theoretical assumptions about the effectiveness and potential of supervised group dynamics for the process of realising changes in psychological states. METHODS: We undertook a quantitative analysis of (the standardised) SUPSO questionnaire response data. OUTCOMES: Group supervision for helping-career professionals emerged as a situational change that impacted on respondents’ indications of subjective emotions and states. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: Supervision is directly related to social workers’ performances. A better understanding of how situationally-induced changes in emotions and mental states, including situations based on interactions will allow a better overview of the optimal contexts for the realisation an individual’s life goals and professional activities. It will further help professionals to choose the relevant, optimal intervention tactics to employ as their use becomes more recognisable in assessing particular situations; social workers should then evaluate their effectiveness vis-à-vis the level of professionality and how they utilise their experiential toolboxes.

group supervision, work performance, professional effectiveness, emotions and psychological health for caring professionals

p. 40-51

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