Štefan Strieženec, Pioneer of Modern Slovak Social Work

Andrej Mátel, Milan Schavel, Jaroslava Pavelková

Andrej Mátel is a university teacher at the University of Health and Social Work, St. Elizabeth in Bratislava, expert guarantor of the Institute of St. Jan Nepomuk Neumann in Příbram. He specializes in professional ethics, social pathology, theory, and methods of social work. He is a member of the Accreditation Commission of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, the Professional Council of the Chamber of Social Workers and Social Work Assistants. In the practice of social work, he focuses mainly on socio-therapy and supervision. His research is focused on professional ethics, social services, and domestic violence.

Milan Schavel is a university teacher at the Department of Christian Anthropology and Social Work, Faculty of Orthodox Theology of Prešov University in Prešov. In terms of professional theme, he deals with social counselling, supervision, and social prevention. He is a member of the Accreditation Commission of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic for further education and a member of the Professional Council of the Chamber of Social Workers and Social Work Assistants. His research is focused on the issue of supervision and further education in the social field.

Jaroslava Pavelková is a university teacher at the Faculty of Humanities of Tomas Bata University in Zlín, academic worker at the Department of Health Care Sciences of FHS TBU in Zlín and an assessor of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education. Professionally she is devoted to social anthropology (multiculturalism, migration, multicultural society), socio-economic problem in contemporary society (unemployment, poverty, homelessness – social risks of homeless people, financial literacy).

OBJECTIVES: The aim of the paper is to analyse the work and contribution of Štefan Strieženec for Slovak social work in its modern history, i.e., after 1989. THEORETICAL BASE: Although social work is currently an internationally accepted profession and academic discipline, in each country it must fight for its independence. An important part of its establishment is also conceptual work, creation of a terminological dictionary and systematization of professional education. In the conditions of Slovakia as a post-communist country, Strieženec in particular devoted himself to this work. According to him, the national model of social work should focus on the use of specific conditions and resources in a particular country. METHODS: From a methodological point of view, biographical method and analysis of theoretical concepts of Strieženec were used. The compilation of an interpretative overview of the most important publications of the monitored author was carried out by content analysis in which the contextual unit was monitored. OUTCOMES: Through his scientific, terminological, and educational activities, Strieženec fundamentally contributed to the formation of modern Slovak social work as an independent managed field and an independent education one. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: Strieženec’s approaches “think globally, act locally” as well as the concept “help to self-help”, are also an inspiration for current social work.

social work, profession, state paternalism, terminology, methodology, education

p. 118-131