Telecare/social Alarm for the Elderly in the Czech Republic: Identification of the Implementation Process

Michaela Veselá Hiekischová, Karolína Dobiášová, Jolana Kopsa Těšinová

OBJECTIVES: The goal of the article is to find out how telecare/alarm care is designed and implemented in the Czech Republic. THEORETICAL BASES: We define it in its broader concept (so-called telecare) and narrower concept (so-called alarm care/social alarms). METHODS: We are based on the evaluation and perception of telecare/alarm care by the seniors, and experts and providers of this social service. OUTCOMESS: The concept of this social care in the Czech Republic, in contrast to practice abroad, is narrowed down to alarm care. That is, only for solving emergent matters. It lacks a connection with health aspects and is not yet used as a preventive measure (monitoring of vital functions, physical activity, monitoring of environmental parameters, support of personal management and communication). A fundamental problem is the inconsistency in the content and technology aspects of this social service. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATION: Alarm care in the Czech Republic is at the beginning of its significant potential development. It must be admitted that its current setup requires changes. These findings can be used for practical social work as inspiration in caring for the elderly.

telecare/alarm care, assistive technology, elderly, social services

p. 75-109

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