The Involvement of Fathers in Social Activation Services for Families with Children in the Czech Republic

Barbora Grundelova, Karel Pavlica, Jan Lisnik

OBJECTIVES: In the article, we were guided by the possible answers to the question of which conditions have been created for the (non)involvement of fathers in current social activation services for families with children, from the perspectives of their social workers? THEORETICAL BASE: The problems posed by this question were viewed through a family-oriented and whole-family approach. METHODS: To address the question, we used an online survey questionnaire. OUTCOMES: We can observe, based on the results, that despite the commonly held notion of “working with the whole family”, fathers are perceived more as secondary clients within the scope of social activation services for families with children. Social workers usually perceive fathers to be at fault for the causes they cite for their lack of involvement. Yet, it is clear from the results that the topic of “invisible” fathers in social work has not received sufficient attention in practice. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: With few exceptions, tools to promote a greater involvement of fathers in social work interventions remain relatively absent.

fathers’ involvement, family social work, whole-family approach, invisible fathers, survey

p. 52-69

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