Approaches used in Social Work in Socially Excluded Areas

Jan Vasat


OBJECTIVES: This article analyzes the basic theoretical approaches that are relevant to social work in socially excluded areas. THEORETICAL BASE: The text is based on various theoretical approaches applied in work in socially excluded areas. This text is based on the concepts of social inclusion and exclusion and the theory of building blocks on social inclusion by John Pierson. METHODS: The preliminary conclusions are based on the analyses of texts coming from literature dealing with social exclusion and socially excluded areas. OUTCOMES: Social work in socially excluded areas is a very diverse field based on mutually contradictory starting points. Mutual competition between organizations exercising different approaches can reduce the overall effect of the assistance provided to the inhabitants of these socially excluded areas. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: The conclusions can be used for further research in social work specifically employed in socially excluded areas and in further discussions about the theoretical starting points applicable for social work in this environment.


social exclusion, socially excluded areas, social inclusion, participation

p. 36-52

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