Forms of Disturbing Dilemma: Changing the Ideal of a Social Worker Versus Changing the Ideal and Working Conditions of a Social Worker

Ladislav Otava

OBJECTIVES: The aim of the text is to extend the theory of management dilemma by answering the question: “What arguments can I prove to disturb dilemma by changing the ideal of a social worker versus changing the ideal and working conditions of a social worker?” THEORETICAL BASE: The problem is seen from the perspective of the theory of dilemma management and learning organization; knowledge from the field of supervision is utilized. METHODS: Document analysis and a hermeneutical approach were used. OUTCOMES: The work has brought a description of parts of the social reality of social work service organisations that have not yet been interpreted as ones using ways of coping with difficult decisions, and has incorporated them into the existing theory of indecision and dilemma management. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: The topic of dilemma management of social workers concerns individual workers, organizations and the profession itself. Reflecting ways to work with dilemmas and finding ways to disturb them is proving to be a major issue for social work at all levels.

disturbance of dilemma, change of ideal, change of working conditions

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