Natural Evolution of Organizational Culture and its Benefits and Risks

Petr Kolařík

Organizational culture is the result of various inner and outside forces. Their instability and changeability result in a continuous development of organizational culture. The development facilitates that the organization should adapt to changes that accompany its activities. There are forces in organizational culture that can make harmonic development with participation of all members possible without necessity of special interventions by management. That harmonic development should be the aim of organization’s effort. In spite of all effort we can meet the situation when the organizational culture is maladapted, distorted and basic values are abandoned. This development can jeopardize the very existence of the organization. The author suggests precautions that must be done to prevent such situations and points out at necessity of continual monitoring of cultural evelopment. The monitoring is a basic responsibility of managers. In case the managers find out unfavourable changes then they have to intervene with all their authorities. That intervention can occur only when most needed. In case of “power” intervention it is possible that only change in behaviour not in culture occur. That is risky for an organization with value-added activities such as social service organizations.

organizational culture, self-regulation, development contingency, development benefits, spontaneous change, values in organizational culture

p. 91-99