Outcome Evaluation of Social Activation Services to the Life of their Client Families

Radana Kroutilová Nováková

OBJECTIVES: The aim of the article is to analyse and evaluate the impact of social activation services in the lives of families with children. THEORETICAL BASE: Social activation services are provided for families with a child or children whose development is jeopardized due to the impact of a long-term critical social situation. The problem is seen from the perspective of outcome evaluation. METHODS: The author draws on the partial results of the quantitative survey she carried out in 30 client families in 2016‒2018. During this period, she monitored the level of the fulfilment of needs which are relevant to the integration of the child into ordinary social life. OUTCOMES: The results of the evaluation identified an improvement of the client’s life situation ‒ the service helped to stabilize the family issues. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATION: Research findings will serve as feedback to all stakeholders of outcome evaluation ‒ providers, founders and potential users of family social work services.

social activation services for families with children, family remediation, evaluation research, outcome evaluation