Sources of Support for Social Inclusion: Perspectives of Social Workers in Socially Excluded Localities in the Moravian-Silesian Region

Zuzana Stanková

OBJECTIVES: This qualitative study shows how social workers working in a socially excluded locality interpret sources of support for social inclusion. THEORETICAL BASE: The theoretical background of the research is social exclusion, social inclusion and sources of support to address social exclusion. METHODS: The research method involved a situational analysis. OUTCOMES: Results using a cartographic situation map showing the perspective of social workers intervening in socially excluded localities in the Moravian-Silesian Region for resources that could lead to the process of social inclusion. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: The research shows that a possible solution for social inclusion at the local level is to strengthen social resources, methods of social work and the coordination of actors of socially excluded localities.

social inclusion, social excluded localities, situational analysis, social exclusion, sources of support

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