The Consequences of Neoliberalisation for Social Work

Petr Lazar


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this paper is to describe the consequences of neoliberalisation for social work and to discuss how social work could defend itself. THEORETICAL BASE: The article uses the concept of Edgar Marthinsen’s neoliberalisation. METHODS: Qualitative content analysis of scientific texts. OUTCOMES: Neoliberalisation has several serious consequences for social work. The most important ones are the reconstruction of this field by people without education in social work and the transformation of the social work profession into a precarious occupation. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: The contribution discusses the possibilities of defending social work against advancing neoliberalisation. However, each of the offered options has its shortcomings.


social work, neoliberalism, neoliberalisation, precarization, social work construction

p. 89-106

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