The Role of Social Worker in the Treatment of Tobacco Dependency

Markéta Kastnerová

Dependence on tobacco is a chronic, recurrent and lethal disease, which reduces the lifetime of 50 % of smokers in the Czech Republic on average by 15 years. About 30 % of adult population smoke, then over 2 millions people. About 60–70 % of them, so over 1,5 millon, wish to stop it. The fruitfulness of these attempts without help is low. The access to support and treatment for the smokers, who want to stop smoking, is one of the point of the tobacco control not only for the individual health workers, psychologists and social workers, but for the whole health-social system. Because dependency on nicotine and on the cigarette is also the psychosocial dependency, the social worker plays an essential role in the withdrawal treatment. It is necessary to interconnect the health and social department in the complex smoking abatement. The social worker plays an essential role both in withdrawal treatment and in the primary prevention.

tobacco dependency, social worker, withdrawal treatment, prevention

p. 112-118