The Visions for Social Work in the Czech Republic

Petr Vojtisek, Tatiana Matulayova

OBJECTIVES: This article reports on analytical findings that illustrate current attitudes of social workers and other professionals in the Czech Republic towards societal challenges and visions for the social work profession over the coming decade. THEORETICAL BASE: Social work operates at the intersections of governmental authorities and civil society. As catalysts for social change, it is imperative for social workers to formulate sustainable visions and strategies for the advancement of the profession. This research draws inspiration from the concept of the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare’s ten grand social challenges. METHODS: The data were collected from structured focus groups that were representative of the diverse perspectives within the field of social work and semi-structured interviews. OUTCOMES: The challenges identified by research participants aligned with the grand challenges, which primarily focus on individual and family wellbeing as well as issues surrounding building stronger communities and achieving equal opportunities and justice for citizens, and visions for the future of the profession, among others. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: Professionals can recognise significant societal challenges that warrant responses and should empower social workers to advocate in public discourse, thereby harmonising the regulatory conditions governing the practice for the future of the social work profession.

societal challenges, grand challenges for social work, visions for social work, future of the social work profession

p. 72-86

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