“Donn’t Blame the People…” – Why and How Social Work Can Use Knowledge from People with Lived Experience of HIV/AIDS
The aim of the article is to answer the question of why and how the field of social work can use knowledge from people with lived experience of HIV/AIDS. Zobrazit text
The Needs of Academics and Experts with Lived Experience in Social Work Education
The involvement of people with lived experience in teaching social work has many advantages and reasons. The aim of the text is to find out what needs the teachers (as academics and people with lived experience) have when implementing this subject in their teaching and what the possible ways to fulfil them might be.Zobrazit text
Perceptions of Home and its Meanings from Previously Homeless Social Housing Clients
The article provides an answer to the question of how ontological (un)certainty manifests in the conceptualisations of home from social housing clients who have had experiences with homelessness. Zobrazit text
The Lived Experience of Poverty Across Generations: Impulses for Social Work
The study aims to understand the lived experience of poverty across generations and to uncover the factors that contribute to the persistence of poverty in families. Zobrazit text
Prisoners’ Indebtedness as a Cause of Their Recidivism
This paper is an analysis of the indebtedness of incarcerated persons that may contribute to their subsequent secondary criminal activity.Zobrazit text
Perception of Limitations and Dilemmas of Social Workers from Centres for Children and Familie
The paper answers the question of what the limitations and dilemmas perceived by social workers are in the implementation process of SPODaSK measures in outpatient and outreach forms in centres for children and families. Zobrazit text
The Institutionalization of Czech Academic Social Work and the Potential Impact on Academic Career Development: A Conceptual Reflection on the Relationship
In the text, we aimed to answer how the relationship between the current state of institutionalization of Czech academic social work and the development of academic careers can be described based on professional papers and monographs.Zobrazit text