Interpretation of the Role of Social Work in Social Housing from the Perspective of Clients

Kristina Wilamova

OBJECTIVES: The article is trying to resolve how clients of social housing interpret the role of social work and the role of social workers in the project. THEORETICAL BASE: Social work is socially constructed and has different forms in various contexts, such as the housing shortage and homelessness. One of the solutions to these is social housing. However, it is not clear what exactly the role of social work should be. METHODS: The solution could include the result of a qualitative analysis conducted through a constructivist grounded theory of 16 interviews with clients of the social housing project in Ostrava. Clients are important actors who construct the role of social work. OUTCOMES: The data analysis identified the role of social workers in social housing and reflected the need for the support of social work from the perspective of clients. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: Several roles of the social worker in social housing were identified from the perspective of clients. Based on the findings, the degree of need for support from social work in social housing is also discussed. Clients mention the need for an individually set level of support, according to the current needs.

social work, social housing, housing first, housing ready

p. 54-71

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