Historical Contexts of the Creation of Supervision in Social Work in Slovakia

Jan Gabura

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the paper is to compare the specifics of creating supervision in Slovakia and abroad with a focus on social work. THEORETICAL BASE: A brief historical analysis of the origin and further development of supervision in Slovakia is based on theoretical concepts, especially dynamically-oriented psychotherapy, historical sources that have contributed to the development of supervision in the social field and various theoretical models of supervision. METHODS: There is an analysis of available materials, comparison of knowledge from around the world, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and a reflection of my own experience. OUTCOMES: A brief, clear historical study, which leads to the current situation in the field of supervision and allows readers to orient themselves in the historical context of the development of supervision in the social field. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATION: It is useful for social workers and practicing supervisors to know the historical contexts of the method they use, to be able to compare the situation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, to orientate in this area and look for ways to improve supervision in social work

social work, supervision, history of supervision, Balint groups, training of supervisors, eclecticism

p. 5-12

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