Activating and Resocializing People in Social Need

Karolina Pradova

OBJECTIVES: The aim of the paper is to compile findings from empirical studies that investigate the complexity of various factors on activation and resocialization processes and the nature of their interactions leading to shifts in social situations. THEORETICAL BASE: The current review is based on the concepts of activation and resocialization, METHODS: The paper is conceived as a review article drawing on Czech and foreign literature. It is based on the findings of more than forty authors. Keywords: activation, resocialization, reintegration, social exclusion. RESULTS: Based on research studies, this paper provides an overview of factors that are seen as leading to successful activation and resocialization as well as factors considered as obstacles. It synthesizes the examined literature and emphasises recommendations for practice. It examines the question of whether and how social work helps to overcome identified obstacles in practice and under what circumstances it leads to successful re-socialization. The review also draws attention to the lack of empirical research that would allow the formulation of hypotheses regarding the relationship between different aspects of the vulnerable social situation, or the factors of resocialization directly. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: The article should motivate for empirical research and provide insight into the current state of knowledge.

activation, resocialization, reintegration, social exclusion



p. 21 – 39