Diverse Conceptions of Community Centers in the Professional Discourse of Community Work

Zuzana Stankova, Adela Recmanova, Barbora Grundelova, Hana Zurovcova

OBJECTIVES: The text provides answers to the question of what concepts of community center are presented by current implementers of community work. THEORETICAL BASE: The topic is viewed from the perspective of the implementation of the method of community work. METHODS: A qualitative research strategy was used, that is, data collection through focus groups. OUTCOMES: The findings suggest that the current concepts of community center mainly affect funding opportunities, location, founder and interconnectedness with social services. In total, four concepts of community center were identified. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: Recommendations for work in community centers have been formulated based on the statements of community work implementers.

community work, community center, focus group

p. 87-101

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