The Concept of Expectation as a Comprehensive Instrument for Evaluation in the Social Sciences

Karel Rezac


OBJECTIVES: This theoretical study aims to introduce the concept of expectation as a comprehensive instrument for evaluating a particular state of social reality in the field of social sciences. THEORETICAL BASE: The concept is based on a theoretical background in the form of interpretations of expectations in the field of selected social sciences (psychology, sociology, and social work). METHODS: The text is a theoretical study based on the method of interpretive (discursive) analysis. OUTCOMES: The analysis firstly shows parallels to the principle of the process of the differentiation of expectation across selected fields of social sciences that focus on different levels of human functioning in society. Secondly, the study offers a conceptualization of the identified principle into a potential evaluation instrument. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: The above-mentioned concept of expectation as an evaluation instrument can help social workers as a new way of evaluating the client’s life situation at various levels.


anticipation, expectation, expectancy, cognitive expectation, normative expectation, capabilities, valuable life, social science, evaluation

p. 23 - 34

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