V procese skvalitňovania služieb je v centre pozornosti predovšetkým klient. Sociálny pracovník býva naopak často v úzadí, aj napriek tomu, že je rozhodujúcim činiteľom v tomto procese. Zobrazit text
Pracovní podmínky
V procese skvalitňovania služieb je v centre pozornosti predovšetkým klient. Sociálny pracovník býva naopak často v úzadí, aj napriek tomu, že je rozhodujúcim činiteľom v tomto procese. Zobrazit text
The aim of the contribution is to identify new possibilities for supporting the well-being of social workers within the organisational culture of social service providers in Slovakia. Zobrazit text
The main aim of the article is to compare the perception of distance forms of teaching by teachers and students of social work at universities in the Czech Republic during the period of emergency measures taken by the Czech Government against the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Zobrazit text
The study is aimed at analysing the COVID-19 pandemic and measurements the Czech Government took to contain the infection in context of social work and counselling with inmates and ex-prisoners. Zobrazit text
Political practice is an integral part of social work but in the Czech Republic this field seems less established. The aim of the study is to answer the questions on whether social workers consider policy practice as part of their profession; whether they involve themselves in it; and if not, for which reasons. Zobrazit text
The main objective was to convey the empirical experiences of social workers in municipalities with so-called “chronic clients” as well as to share the opinions and suggestions of interviewed social workers on solving the most common problems and dilemmas when working with these clients. Zobrazit text
Social workers’ housing activism is the main focus of the article in which the aim is to map how social workers engaged in resistance measures against displacement in the contexto f the Czech “Bedriska neighbourhood”. Zobrazit text
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