Experience in Integrating the Labour Market and Education through Standardization of Professional Activities in Russian Social Work

Sizikova Valeria, Anikeeva Olga

Sizikova Valeria, Professor of Russian State Social University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Sphere of scientific interests includes professional social education and analysis of specialist practical experience, development and adaptation of professional standards in social work; social work with families; author of articles and textbooks on theoretical and practical problems in social work.

Anikeeva Olga, Associate Professor of Social Work Department at Russian State Social University, Candidate of Historical Sciences. Research interests include professional social education, history and theory of social work; development and adaptation of professional standards in social work; social work with families; author of articles and textbooks on theoretical and practical problems in social.

OBJECTIVES: The research object was the links between the labor market and social education; the purpose of the research is to study the impact of standardization of professional and educational activities on the modernization of the social sphere and socio-economic development. THEORETICAL BASE: The study is based on the concepts of social modernization and structuration (Giddens), Sociology of Social Change (Shtompka) and sociology of professions (Romanov, Yarskaya-Smirnova, Sargeant). OUTCOMES: The article analysed methods of professional formation standards in social work, strategic perspectives, risks and barriers of standardization were assessed. METHODS: the study was conducted from 2013 to 2020 in various regions of Russia; questionnaire survey was used (N=1158; random quota sample); focus group method (N=37); brainstorming (group 1 – N=26; group 2 – N=28), expert survey (N=257; N=38; N=286; N=168; N=185); interviewing citizens-recipients of social services (N= 256), the method of social modelling and design. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: The experience of modelling professional standards and their adaptation to educational standards allows us to change the content of professional activity, to focus it on the current needs of citizens and the activation of their social position, to change the vectors of development of social education, the content of training and retraining of social work personnel.

social work, professional standards, educational standards, social education, modernization, sociology of social change, sociology of professions

p. 111-125

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