Platformy » Platformy evropské

Academic Network of European Disability experts

The Academic Network of European Disability experts (ANED) is a project of the European Commission and was created in December 2007. The aim is to establish and maintain a pan-European academic network in the disability field that will support policy development in collaboration with the Commission’s Disability Unit. ANED builds upon the expertise of existing disability research centres, supported by national experts, thematic rapporteurs, and links to relevant networks in the disability policy field. Its philosophy and aims support the objectives of European disability policy towards the goal of full participation and equal opportunities for all disabled people.

European Association of Schools of Social Work

European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW) brings together over 300 different schools, universities and tertiary education institutions supporting social work education. EASSW promotes the development of social work education throughout Europe and develops standards to enhance quality of social work education. EASSW also encourages international exchange and provides forums for sharing social work research and scholarship.

European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless 

European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA) is an umbrella of not-profit organisations which participate in or contribute to the fight against homelessness in Europe. It is the only major European network that focuses exclusively on homelessness. Their ultimate goal is an end to homelessness in Europe.

European Federation of Older Persons

European Federation of Older Persons (EURAG) is a non-profit and non-religious European organization independent of any political parties. It is the oldest and biggest umbrella organization for elderly people. Its purpose is to promote the quality of life of elderly people in society, at all social and political levels. EURAG especially promotes the co-ordination, collaboration and exchange of opinions by its members with expert and service organizations, self-help groups as well as with individuals possessing special expertise.


INTERLINKS – Health systems and long-term care for older people in Europe – Modelling the INTERfaces and LINKS  between prevention, rehabilitation, quality of services and informal care. The INTERLINKS project helps people in Europe who work with and represent older people in need of long-term care (LTC). The aim of the project is to inspire health and social care professionals, policy makers, people from administrative agencies, and people working in non-governmental organisations to work towards integrated systems of LTC; improve planning and delivery of services for frail older people at the interfaces between formal and informal care, and between social and health care; and integrate prevention, rehabilitation, quality management, governance and finance in the toolbox to develop LTC systems.

International Federation of Social Workers Europe (Mezinárodní federace sociálních pracovníků)

Mezinárodní federace sociálních pracovníků (IFSW) je globálním orgánem pro tuto profesi. Federace a její národní členové usilují o sociální spravedlnost, lidská práva a inkluzivní, udržitelný sociální rozvoj prostřednictvím propagace osvědčených postupů sociální práce a zapojení do mezinárodní spolupráce.