Veronika Knauer
Medailon autorů:
Veronika Knauer is a research assistant and lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Landshut. She studied social and cultural anthropology, public international law and social geography at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich.
The article begins with the description and characterization of current events and discussions in the context of Muslims in Germany. In a second part, it tries to theorise and conceptualise these occurrences and developments by the concept of anti-Muslim racism and by simultaneously differentiating it from other concepts, such as Islamophobia and Muslimfeindschaft (enmity against Muslims). Finally, it shows the implications and consequences of this conceptual framework on the pedagogical educational work. By pointing out the ‘stumbling blocks’ and problems of common educational approaches of ‘intercultural’ and ‘antiracist’ pedagogy, it searches for the answer to the questions on how education can meet the situation seen in Germany and how educational programmes must be conceptualized and designed in order to fight anti-Muslim racism and, thus, to make a contribution to social justice and participation within our society.
Klíčová slova:
racism, Muslims, anti-Muslim racism, education, educational programmes, racism-critical pedagogy
s. 6–21