
ERIS Journal – Summer 2016

This English edition of the journal Sociální práce / Sociálna práca / Czech and Slovak Social Work contains articles which contribute to the development of social work knowledge and theory based on some of the key and enduring themes of social work, contained within discussion and analysis of contemporary areas of concern for our profession.Zobrazit text

The article begins with the description and characterization of current events and discussions in the context of Muslims in Germany. In a second part, it tries to theorise and conceptualise these occurrences and developments by the concept of anti-Muslim racism and by simultaneously differentiating it from other concepts, such as Islamophobia and Muslimfeindschaft (enmity against Muslims). Finally, it shows the implications and consequences of this conceptual framework on the pedagogical educational work. Zobrazit text

The article presents a specific practice field of social work addressing a target group characterized by severe behavioral problems in combination with a lack of capability to enter relationships. Labeled as “hopeless cases” these mainly young people are not only marginalized in society but also in the support system. Starting with basic information about one-to-one intermediate services in Germany including the legal framework, target group, types of provisions, previous research, and theoretical references, the article then emphasizes the special peculiarity of the German Child and Youth Services Act to provide that support also outside Germany. Zobrazit text

The article focuses on barriers and accelerators of the integration process of mothers living in asylum houses into permanent housing. As a part of a participatory research approach in qualitative research, several categories of the occurrence of accelerators and barriers have been identified. The categories are as follows: social relationships, boyfriend, children, crime, money, housing, asylum house, domestic violence, addiction and self-confidence.Zobrazit text

The article deals with spirituality and religiousness in social work and presents techniques, which serve to explore it in the client-centred approach. Spirituality and/or religiousness are presented as important dimensions of human life and as such can be a part of holistic social work, even in secular or post-secular societies. Especially in personal crises existential issues urge us to pay attention and explain.Zobrazit text

The aims of this paper are to identify rival stories of social work which reflect the contradictory and ambivalent attitude of society to the profession and to argue that critical pedagogy can offer a way forward beyond these contradictions. Based on a qualitative study of a qualifying undergraduate degree in social work, 48 participants were interviewed: participants included academics, students, service users and practice educators. Three stories or narratives of social work identities were identified: social workers as villains, fools, and unsung heroes.Zobrazit text

This article reports upon the importance of historical research in social work according to experiences from Czech Republic. A research approach concentrated upon an exploration of the history of social work is gaining interest among the professional public. Various examples of literature present arguments in favour of the description and critical analysis of historical knowledge.Zobrazit text

Given the substantial differences between the UK and Germany in terms of both their welfare state regimes and in the portrayal of disadvantaged families in public discourse, it would be logical to also expect different approaches to social work with families in these two countries. However, in presenting the Troubled Families Programme in the UK and Sozialpädagogische Familienhilfe in Germany the article aims to highlight the extensive similarities in social work practice. Zobrazit text