Beata Balogova, Leon Szot
Medailon autorů:
Beata Balogova is a Professor in social work at the Faculty of Arts of the University Presov. She has been involved in research and research for a long time, concerning family, intergenerational relationships, quality of life, loneliness, suicide, social support for seniors and homelessness and others. These activities are related to participation in the international project Interlinks, funded by the European Commission under the SFP.
Leon Szot is Professor at Instytut Pracy Socjalnej of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow. His field of study is Palliative and hospice care, Social problems and pathologies, Social support, Social support institutions, Social security
OBJECTIVES: The authors undertake a thorough analysis of approaches towards disability in
the Arab region, its socio-cultural aspects. THEORETICAL BASE: To that end, firstly, they
explore the logic of disability notions and its perceptions in the leading research in the Arab region.
METHODS: The paper presents the results obtained from a quantitative research strategy, which
used statistical indicators of relevant institutions with subsequent comparison.
Subsequently, the authors examine the issues related to different types and causes of disability,
employment issues, education and social protection of persons with disabilities in the region
while focusing on the most accessible, rigorous and complete data. OUTCOMES: The research
showed differences in approach to this clientele, pointing to the lack of social interventions. The
methodological key to effective intervention is an ethical analysis of value approaches. SOCIAL
WORK IMPLICATIONS: The authors deal with issues that are closely related to disability,
such as social diversity and social stigmatization, which most threaten the clientele. The role of
social work lies in exploring the issue of disability in the Arab world, whereas this phenomenon is
actually latent in society. Issues of social policy and specific welfare state interventions remain only
on a declarative level, without their practical application.
Klíčová slova:
disability, persons with disabilities, social stigmatization, Arab region, social integration, marginalization
s. 21–34