
Special English Issue 2014

Social Work: Science, Practice and Profession
In his editorial of this journal’s Special English Issue from 2011, Libor Musil showed deep concerns about “both the lack of attention to the ‘methods and processes’ of help through social work” and “inadequate focus on ‘clients’ of Czech and Slovak social work” in general. According to him social workers should “know the difficulties which their clients experience” and be able to use adequate “knowledge, methods and techniques to deal with all problems that they encounter” (p.2).Zobrazit text

This paper proposes the value of conceptualising as ‘reading’ social work interpersonal actions and written documents, since ‘reading’ as developed in cultural and media studies, literary criticisms and homilectics provides a technology for interpretation of both surface and hidden events and texts, potentially providing opportunities for empirical analysis of alternative understandings of social work.Zobrazit text

Social work takes place in multi-professional contexts. These contexts require skills in understanding meaning in order to intermediate from different perspectives in order to deal with cases successfully. Taking or looking at perspectives which differ from our own, and using them is – from a theoretical point of view – defined as dialogue (Kloepfer, 1982; Mead, 1965). A dialogue understanding as a “meeting of minds” (Mead 1965, 52) happens mostly during conversations, and also to a lesser degree from written information.Zobrazit text

Based on a critical review of social science research into female drug use, the author identifies a tendency to lay particular emphasis upon two roles: that of structural constraints or that of individual agencies. This dichotomous perception portrays women drug users as either powerless victims of oppression, or as volitional agents unrestricted by structural limitations.Zobrazit text

New methodologies in social work with underprivileged children and youth promote the participation of the service users and see the participatory approach as a powerful tool of empowerment. In this article the participatory approach is presented as a possible solution to the specific problems of social exclusion of youth in urban areas. The article discusses the empowering potential of the participatory approach.Zobrazit text

This study deals with incidents of client violence and their connection to the conflict styles of the victims. It lists the most important findings in the areas of client violence in social work practice. The research is based on a survey and its objective was to detect the incidences of individual client violence cases and their possible connection to the conflict styles of the victims.Zobrazit text

This article is in response to the increasing pro-integration role played by social services in the implementation of integration activities in areas of working with immigrants in the Czech Republic. The authors are looking for an answer to the question of whether the regional distribution of immigrant-specialised social services corresponds to the number of foreigners living in individual regions of the Czech Republic.Zobrazit text

This article aims to describe and analyse the situation of single grandmothers in asylum houses for mothers with children in the Moravian-Silesian Region. The first part of the text is devoted to the description of the situation of single mothers in the Czech Republic. Later the methodological anchoring of the research will be presented.Zobrazit text