
ERIS Journal – Winter 2016

All over Europe, de-institutionalisation is embraced as a renewed approach to the fields of mental health care, youth care, social care and the fight against poverty and unemployment. Of course, economising arguments are dominant, but beyond that, serious doubts about the effectivity of placing people in institutions and institutional programmes are rising as well.Zobrazit text

The issue of partner relationships and family life as one of the areas determining the quality of life of people with physical disabilities has been long neglected in the Czech environment. The situation is slowly improving, but there is still a lack of research on the personal lives of physically disabled people. Thus, the authors have focused on this under-researched area through qualitative research. Zobrazit text

In the context of the current welfare state situation, social service providers deal with the question of innovation, its traditional methods and procedures, requiring multidisciplinary cooperation. Often, social service providers respond to this situation with institutions establishment through business thought that should be linked to social work’s ethics, based on community services and business integration, thus social enterprise establishment.Zobrazit text

Base systematic research in this paper argues that even if there are many social work practitioners, scientists and students of the opinion that research in this field is of little use, we shouldn’t be so pessimistic. Far from it, the authors are of the opinion that both intuitive and rational thinking and decision making are equally important for a practice which – in order to avoid mistakes and prejudices – must rely on “fast thinking” as well as on “slow thinking”.Zobrazit text

Managing poverty and unemployment in the current political, social and economic situation is very challenging for Austria and especially for Western Balkan countries. Austria is among the modern welfare states in Europe while Western Balkan countries are in their EU integration process, with their poor welfare system are facing slow economic growth, political instability, high level of corruption and many social problems. Zobrazit text